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"A Perfect Project"

"Love, Safety, and Resilience"

This one is pretty simple and that is why these are also some of my favorite pieces to make. The "Love, Safety, and Resilience" part you can look up in the blog if you are interested in the meaning behind the words. Most simply, these carvings are made with the hope that everyone in this world knows what it feels like to be loved, feels safe in their own lives, and realizes they are much more resilient than they might ever know. Also, there are several different versions available for this one and if interested please just let me know. $45.00

"You Are Loved"

Pretty self-explanatory. I keep this exact carving next to my bed and it is something I see every day of my life. These can be personalized with a unique message on the back, but basically they are just a constant reminder that we are all loved unconditionally by someone in this world. No matter how we might feel or what we are going through, we are always loved.  $75.00

"Recycled Candle Covers" 

These are definitely the most ambitious of the three different carvings. I love to buy candles and all the candles I buy have these really cool covers. Each of the covers is a bit different but all of them fit nicely within a piece of Cedar. As in all of these projects, most work is done by hand and there are no "other" materials used, such as glue or stain or resin. Everything is all natural and as little stress is put upon the natural environment as possible. Pictures of the other candle covers are available if interested. $60.00

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